Sunday, April 22, 2012

Should I Really Be Surprised?

All of us get interested in our families genealogy for different reasons. That in itself is really interesting to me. I'll admit that for me it was that inner skeptic that wanted to....disprove the many myths that I believe every family has. Whether it's "we are related to President Washington" or "we are British royalty" I still believe that for most families these stories that get passed on through generations are just that. Stories.

So my journey sets out to prove that we are not related to famous defense lawyer Clarence Darrow or that we have no connection to the founding fathers of the Mormon faith. Boy, just how wrong could I be.

How gratifying it has been to see where my families roots in anti slavery and anti racism came from, on both sides of the family, as well as having a proud, yet controversial at times, history as an LDS pioneering family.

Please subscribe to our email list or our RSS feed as I share with you the stories and photos about what has proven to be a humbling experience to say the least.

The journey starts here.....

1 comment:

  1. good start. i think you have created a monster. and i love monsters.
